Monthly Archives: February 2011

I only told you, you got it all maxed out

Just to go back to maxis for a second (and then I promise I’ll move on..) here is an example of one of those wonderful winter ones! I meant to blog about this dress back in November when I first bought it, but I sort of got side tracked, and then with Spring fashions sneaking up on us, I thought it was by now irrelevant. But wearing it again today confirmed that dresses like this ARE NEVER IRRELEVANT. It is by American Retro, and before you start thinking I’m Miss Money Bags, I seized it for the pretty little price of £50 (reduced from around £200) at the brand’s sample sale. Bargs. I might just get it its own wardrobe, because it doesn’t deserve to be stuffed in there with all those Topshop or H&M dresses, it’s like the fashion equivalent of making Olivia Palermo stay in a Travelodge.

Now this is a winter maxi is ever I saw one. Just look at that slightly haunting and ethereal owl print, it just emanates the chilling feel of a crisp and black winter’s eve. Oooh lovely. What’s more, it gets a tick in the good for pear shapes column. It’s very loose fitting, and yes, my wide bottom half isn’t completely invisible, but at least it’s not clinging to every ounce of flesh, (see earlier maxi posts for full maxi dress rant).

So i’ve gushed about it for 2 paragraphs, and now I’m going to tell you that I don’t think you can buy anywhere anymore. Sorry about that. Oh well, you’ll just have to enjoy the photos of it instead.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s Alexander Wang’s shop.

Oh what’s this? Another ultra modern / abstract art gallery in the middle of New York? No it’s only Alexander Wang’s bloody flagship store! Who even cares about his clothes any more when he does shops like this!

No, I do still care about his clothes.

There hasn’t been that much that’s jumped out at me from the New York shows, so instead I thought I’d blog about something that really has caught my eye…  LOOK AT IT.

Oh what's that? Just a FOX FUR HAMMOCK in the centre of the store (actually for customers to make use of)

And that? Oh just a big cage (for special installations / product collaborations)

I am total a sucker for this kind of thing, I love anything experiential, but shops have got to be my favourite because imagine something as banal as a shop, which has, for so long, existed purely for practical reasons. Whether it sells luxury goods or groceries, a shop is still just a place that houses the goods people want / need to buy. It has always been the items that are important, the importance of the building in which they sit, extends merely to the fact that it provides a convenient space for them to be displayed / sheltered / kept safe. For shop interiors to now have as much allure and excitement as the clothes themselves I think is brilliant! It makes shopping that much more exciting! I’m hoping in the future more high street stores will cotton on to this, imagine how much more amazing (if it’s possible) the Topshop flagship store could be with a theme or with an interactive element…

A Review: The Roxy, London

I’ve decided to incorporate a little reviews section on this here blog, for all the non-fashion things that I am bursting with opinions about. You may find it helpful, you may not, but either way I must get some of these vents (good and bad) out, and would love to hear your opinions on these things too!

First up then, is The Roxy, a bar/club in Central London.

Now, if it’s a Saturday night, and you’re sporting your finest wincklepickers and most-vintage of all your bowler hats, and you’re looking to dance to, say, a bit of Death Cab…. DO NOT, I repeat, do not go to The Roxy (unless of course, your indie exterior is a show for all your scenester mates, and the first album on your ipod is Ultimate Cheese Party Volume 2) Because S Club 7, Chesney Hawkes and Queen are at the top of the DJ’s playlist for Saturday nights. My music snobbery is not the issue here though, if I’d have been prepared for scores of hens dancing to ‘The One and Only’ I’m sure I could’ve had a ball! The issue is plastered all over the internet are promises, some made by the venue itself, that The Roxy is an alternative club, pumping out fresh indie licks 24/7. I was so ready to re-enact some of the pictures from the Dickhead Song video, but instead I found myself doing the time warp…. again! Great for a funky, girly, cheeeeeesy night out, but just bare in mind, they are liars.

A Sartorial Swine

We all love making a statement, but the notion of wearing a pig’s head on your finger doesn’t automatically signal high fashion. That is until you see jewellery  by FSAugusta. I always think eccentric fine jewellery must be so hard to get right for jewellery designers, because you’re in danger of having it likened to some of the kitsch crap pushed on ebay (plastic cassette players on ready-to-rust chains, you know the sort). FSA’s collection however, hits the high fashion nail on the head and manages to simultaneously be fun AND totally beautiful. And so it should be, when it incorporates gems such as coral, onyx, emeralds and sapphires into its pieces.

FSAugusta Pig Ring with Black Diamonds

Thorny Devil Amethyst Earrings

FSA reminds me why I love brands with signature items… forget clutches, ballet pumps or trench coats – FSA has akomodo dragon. Collection one introduced the baby komodo hatching from it’s egg on earrings, necklaces and rings…

Komodo Egg Ring with Yellow Gold and Agate Spots

Hatching Komodo Dragon necklaces

By FSA’s second collection, komodo has hatched, and now a grown-up dragon dominates the collection, featuring on various pieces. How. Cute. Is. That? (And How. Brilliant. A. Marketing. Campaign. Is. That? – I’m sold!)